Freitag, 9. Oktober 2015

Heavy rock bootlegs informa

Hola y ante todo  feliz navidad.Se ha procedido al pago de las cuentas,a partir de ahora solo se subira por google drive,las cuentas estan a un 40 por ciento,he decidido poner publicidad,con lo poco que se recaude se usara para donar al blog si dais algun click a la publicidad estaremos todos muy agradecido,haber si se logra 15 euros mensuales que son los gastos actuales,Hay publicados 2188 conciertos.
Me gustaria escuchar vuestras opiniones...
Un abrazo a todos.

Hello and first and foremost, merry christmas,The accounts have been paid,From now on only will be uploaded by Google drive,The accounts are at 40 percent,I have decided to put publicity,With what little is collected,Will be used to Donate to the blog  If you give a click to the publicity,If you get 15 euros per month, which are the current the account2188 concerts have been published.
I would like to hear your opinions...
A hug to everyone

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